Works / Illustration
Animation  /  Painting  /  Photography  /  Child Book  /  Illustration  /  Graphic Design

Magazine Cover/ Keyhan-e Hafteh/ 1961

Illustration for Ketab-e-Hafteh/ 1961

Illustration for Ketab-e-Hafteh/ 1961

Illustration for Ketab-e-Hafteh/ 1961

Illustration for Ketab-e-Hafteh/ 1962

Illustration for Ketab-e-Hafteh/ 1962

Illustration for Ketab-e-Hafteh/ 1962

Illustration for Ketab-e-Hafteh/ 1962

Illustration for “Stories of Quran”/ 1963

Illustration for “Stories of Quran”/ 1963

Illustration for “Stories of Quran”/ 1963

Illustration for “Stories of Quran”/ 1963

Illustration for “Negin Magazine”/ 1965

Illustration of “Shahname”/ Killed of Sohrab by Rostam/ 1966

Illustration of “Shahname”/ Lion is killed by Bahram/ 1966

Illustration for book/ 1985

Illustration for “Roodaki” Magazine/ 1976